Investment & Mentorship

Tech Innovations, the Investment Brand of CIGS, invests primarily in Start-ups in the space of FinTech, HealthTech, AgriTech, EdTech & GreenTech.

The well experienced Investment Committee consisting of qualified professionals, industry veterans and thought leaders select the screen the Companies that come up for investments.

Tech Innovations make investments both individually as well as through the consortium.

For the consortium investments, Tech Innovations has entered into Agreement with The Chennai Angels, Mumbai Angels, etc.

Tech Innovations recognizes that the budding entrepreneurs / Technocrats not only require the much needed capital but also the crucial mentorship, to successfully scale their businesses. The Board of Directors and the Key Management personnel of Tech Innovations, with their vast & deep experience & expertise in industry, marketing, audit, management, compliance and the Capital Market, act as the sounding board to Start-ups, offer guidance in marketing & compliance, help open the doors to potential customers & Investors, forewarn against possible pitfalls, etc.